ABT 1506 - ____

Family 1 : James EVARTS
  1. +Nancy EVARTS


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29 JUL 1728 - ____

Father: Thomas HIGGINS
Mother: Abigail PAINE

Family 1 : Mary WILEY
  1.  Reuben HIGGINS
  2.  Abigail HIGGINS
  3.  Philip HIGGINS
  4.  Ruth HIGGINS
  5.  Simeon HIGGINS
  6.  Sarah HIGGINS
  7.  Thankful HIGGINS
  8.  Daughter HIGGINS
  9.  Daughter HIGGINS
  10.  Daughter HIGGINS
  11.  Capt. William HIGGINS
  12. +Benjamin HIGGINS

                       _Benjamin HIGGINS ___
                      | (1681 - ....) m 1701
 _Thomas HIGGINS _____|
| (1704 - ....) m 1727|
|                     |_Sarah FREEMAN ______+
|                        m 1701             
|--Philip HIGGINS 
|  (1728 - ....)
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Abigail PAINE ______|
   m 1727             |


[461] From Mrs. Sarah Louise Carr, Sabattus, Me.: "My great-grandfather, Philip Higgins, with one or two of his brothers, settled on an island near Portland, Me. He then took up about three miles of land, at Foster's Point, West Bath, Me., and this land was improved with great skill. A portion of this land is still owned by the desendants. It is said that, during the revolutionary war, there was a great scarcity of salt. Philip Higgins boiled down the ocean water thus furnished the patriots with salt for their ships and privateers. Like all of his people he was intensely patriotic. His religious zeal was known far and wide, and was inherited in a large degree by his children and descendants. Many descendants of this family moved to the inland towns of Maine, making settlers of the most heroic mould. They even willing to make many scarifices for the sake of helping their neighbors. They did a great deal to build up churches. Many of the descendants of Philip Higgins are scattered over the west, and, in the midst of whatever trying circumstances they have found themselves, they have held fast to the family teachings and noble inheritances, and thus have helped to build up all things noble inheritances, and thus have helped to build up all things noble and true. Scored of towns owe their strength and prosperity in a large degree to these people of sturdy faith. Philip Higgins built his log house near the center of his farm. My grandfather, Benjamin Higgins built his house near to Foster's Point, Me., and all of his children were born there. In 1835 he sold his place to my grandfather Coombs, and removed to Springfield, Me., and live with his son, Solomon Higgins." {See his Will, Loncoln Co., Me., Probate Records.} Philip Higgins had a lumber and grist mills.

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PROBABLY 1572 - 21 FEB 1620/1

Family 1 : Alice UNKNOWN
  1. +Priscilla MULLINS


[445] William Mullins

BORN: unknown, prob. c1572, Dorking, Surrey, England
DIED: 21 February 1620/1, Plymouth, MA
MARRIED: Alice (---)
PARENTS: poss. John Mullyns and Joane Bridger


1. William (b. prob. Dorking, Surrey, England; d. 12 February 1672, Braintree, MA; m1. (name unknown); m2. Ann (---) Bell)

2. Sarah (b. prob. Dorking, Surrey, England; d. aft. 1621; m. (---) Blunden, bef. 1621)

3. Priscilla (b. prob. Dorking, Surrey, England; d. not known; m. c1623, Plymouth, MA)

4. Joseph (b. prob. Dorking, Surrey, England; d. in 1621, but after 2 April 1621; m. unmarried)

William Mullins does not have any Molyneaux ancestors--one of the most common myths in all of Mayflower genealogy. He has no proven royal ancestry, no proven Huguenot ancestors, and the names of his parents have never been proven though John Mullyns and Joane Bridger seem to be the best candidates. [MD 44:41]

Further, the maiden name of his wife Alice is not known. It has not been proven to be Atwood, Poretiers, or any of the other identifications that are floating around. [MD 44:44]


MD 1:231-232, "The Will of William Mullins"

MD 7:37,179, "The Estates of William(2) Mullins", by George Bowman

MD 44:39-44, "The Mullins Family", by Alicia Crane Williams

MQ 39:83, "William Mullin's Grandchildren in England", by Robert S. Wakefield

Alicia Crane Williams, Families of Pilgrims: John Alden and William Mullins, Mass. Soc. of Mayf. Desc., 1986
Will of William Mullins

2:April 1621

In the name of God Amen : I comit my soule to God that gave it and my bodie to the earth from whence it came. Alsoe I give my goodes as followeth That fforty poundes in the hand of goodman Woodes I give my wife tenn poundes, my sonne Joseph tenn poundes, my daughter Priscilla tenn poundes, and my eldest sonne tenn poundes Also I give to my eldest sonne all my debtes, bonds, bills (onelye yt forty poundes excepted in the handes of goodman Wood) given as aforsaid wth all the stock in his owne handes. To my eldest daughter I give ten shillings to be paied out of my sonnes stock Furthermore that goodes I have in Virginia as followeth To my wife Alice halfe my goodes & to Joseph and Priscilla the other halfe equallie to be devided betweene them. Alsoe I have xxj dozen of shoes, and thirteene paire of bootes wch I give into the Companies handes for forty poundes at seaven years and if thy like them at that rate. If it be thought to deare as my Overseers shall thinck good And if they like them at that rate at the divident I shall have nyne shares whereof I give as followeth twoe to my wife, twoe to my sonne William, twoe to my sonne Joseph, twoe to my daugher Priscilla, and one to the Companie. Allsoe if my sonne William will come to Virginia I give him my share of land furdermore I give to my twoe Overseers Mr John Carver and Mr Williamson, twentye shillinges apeece to see this my will performed desiringe them that he would have an eye over my wife and children to be as fathers and freindes to them ; Allsoe to have a speciall eye to my man Robert wch hathe not so approved himselfe as I would he should have done.

This is a Coppye of Mr Mullens his Will of all particulars he hathe given. In witnes whereof I have sett my hande

John Carver, Giles Heale, Christopher Joanes.

Vicesimo tertio : die mensis Julii Anno Domini Millesimo sexcentesimo vicesimo primo Emanavit Commissio Sare Blunden als Mullins filie naturali et legitime dicti defuncti ad administrand bona iura et credita eiusdem defuncti iuxta tenorem et effectum testamenti suprascripti eo quod nullum in eodem testamento nominavit executorem de bene ect Jurat

68, Dale.

In the month of July Anno Domini 1621. On the 23d day issued a commission to Sarah Blunden, formerly Mullins, natural and legitimate daughter of William Mullins, late of Dorking in the County of Surrey, but deceased in parts beyond the seas, seized &c., for administering the goods, rights and credits of the said deceased, according to the tenor and effect of the will of the said deceased because in that will he named no executor. In due form &c. swears.

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____ - ____

Father: Darius PARKHURST
Mother: *

Family 1 : John W KELLY
  1.  Harry Clifton KELLEY

 _Darius PARKHURST ___|
|                     |
|                     |__
|--Lillian A. PARKHURST 
|                      __
|                     |  
|_* __________________|


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Harriet F. THOMAS

____ - ____

Family 1 : James K. TOWLE
  1.  James Frank TOWLE
  2.  Winnie Etta TOWLE
  3.  Rhupurt Lee TOWLE


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Lena Miriam TOWLE

____ - ____

Father: Daniel Higgins TOWLE
Mother: Amanda Smith ELLSWORTH

                           _Daniel TOWLE _______+
                          | (1810 - 1874) m 1833
 _Daniel Higgins TOWLE ___|
| (1841 - ....) m 1864    |
|                         |_Electa HIGGINS _____
|                            m 1833             
|--Lena Miriam TOWLE 
|                          _____________________
|                         |                     
|_Amanda Smith ELLSWORTH _|
   m 1864                 |


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Dura Alfred WINTER

____ - ____

Father: Willard Winter CHASE
Mother: Laura Ann MORGAN

                         _Asa CHASE Jr._______+
                        | (1812 - 1882) m 1836
 _Willard Winter CHASE _|
| (1839 - ....) m 1870  |
|                       |_Mary Ann ABBOTT ____+
|                         (1816 - 1886) m 1836
|--Dura Alfred WINTER 
|                        _____________________
|                       |                     
|_Laura Ann MORGAN _____|
   m 1870               |


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James Henry YEATON

____ - ____

Father: James C. YEATON
Mother: Hannah Drake TOWLE

 _James C. YEATON ____|
|  m 1856             |
|                     |______________________
|--James Henry YEATON 
|                      _Robey Marston TOWLE _+
|                     | (1809 - 1887) m 1829 
|_Hannah Drake TOWLE _|
  (1832 - ....) m 1856|
                      |_Abigail NELSON ______
                         m 1829              


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