Thomas DOTY

PROBABLY 1642 - 4 OR 5 DEC 1678

Father: Edward DOTY
Mother: Unknown

Family 1 : Mary CHURCHILL
  1. +Hannah DOTEN

 _Edward DOTY ________|
| (.... - 1655)       |
|                     |__
|--Thomas DOTY 
|                      __
|                     |  
|_Unknown ____________|


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____ - ____

Father: David GIVEN
Mother: Mary ?

 _David GIVEN ________|
| (1690 - ....)       |
|                     |__
|--? GIVEN 
|                      __
|                     |  
|_Mary ? _____________|
  (.... - 1741)       |


[177] She married James Campbell.

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Daughter HIGGINS

____ - ____

Father: Philip HIGGINS
Mother: Mary WILEY

                       _Thomas HIGGINS _____+
                      | (1704 - ....) m 1727
 _Philip HIGGINS _____|
| (1728 - ....)       |
|                     |_Abigail PAINE ______
|                        m 1727             
|--Daughter HIGGINS 
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Mary WILEY _________|


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William W KELLY


21 FEB 1856 - ____

Father: William M KELLY
Mother: Clarissa J EMERSON

Family 1 : Annie Laura STAPLES

                       _Richard KELLEY _____
 _William M KELLY ____|
| (1832 - ....) m 1853|
|                     |_Ann GOODWIN ________
|--William W KELLY 
|  (1856 - ....)
|                      _Richard F EMERSON __+
|                     | (1789 - 1866) m 1823
|_Clarissa J EMERSON _|
  (1833 - ....) m 1853|
                      |_Delia H GOSS _______+
                        (1804 - 1883) m 1823


[288] William and Annie had no children.

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Earle Francis KNOWLTON

____ - ____

Father: Samuel F. KNOWLTON
Mother: Rhoda Isabel TOWLE

 _Samuel F. KNOWLTON _|
|  m 1875             |
|                     |______________________
|--Earle Francis KNOWLTON 
|                      _William Soule TOWLE _+
|                     | (1816 - 1885) m 1852 
|_Rhoda Isabel TOWLE _|
  (1855 - ....) m 1875|
                      |_Rhoda CARSON ________
                         m 1852              


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James LYNN


____ - ____

Family 1 : Mary E ?
  1. +Ellen M LYNN


[353] James and Mary were from Middletown, Mass.

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Edward Byron MILLS

____ - ____

Family 1 : Clara Louise CURTIS
  1. +Violet Louise MILLS


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Lydia PAGE

1698 - 1772

Family 1 : John TOWLE
  1. +John TOWLE
  2.  Abigail TOWLE
  3.  Eliphalet TOWLE
  4.  Mehetabel TOWLE
  5.  Lemuel TOWLE


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____ - ____

Family 1 : Joseph BOOKER
  1. +Eliza Ellen BOOKER


[156] Mrs. Philps's was list on Charles Saville Given's death certificate but I am unsure of the spelling of her last name because it was blurred and hard to read.

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____ - ____

Family 1 : Hiram Spencer TOWLE
  1.  Frank Wheeler TOWLE


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ABT 1410 - ____

Family 1 : John WYNCELOW
  1. +Thomas Esq. WINSLOW


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William Soule TOWLE


1816 - 1885

Father: Jonathan TOWLE Jr.
Mother: Polly (Darling) SOULE

Family 1 : Rhoda CARSON
  1. +Rhoda Isabel TOWLE

                          _Jonathan TOWLE _____+
                         | (1747 - 1822) m 1773
 _Jonathan TOWLE Jr._____|
| (1777 - 1860) m 1806   |
|                        |_Miriam MARSTON _____+
|                          (1749 - 1835) m 1773
|--William Soule TOWLE 
|  (1816 - 1885)
|                         _____________________
|                        |                     
|_Polly (Darling) SOULE _|
   m 1806                |


[322] William was the type of a man that is so attractively represented in "The Old Homestead" by Joshua Whitcomb. There was a naivet'e and freshness about him that was very charming. He had a quaintness of expression, and a certain innocence that time did not dull the edges of. He had the shrewdness of the
typical Yankee, was well educated, geniel, and entertaining. In person he was short and thick-set, and of dark complexion. He was a school-teacher in his younger days, and possessed a wonderful memory for all he saw or read. He was quite an extensive traveler and went to Minnesota and Wisconsin five times to visit his brothers and half-sister, all of whom lived in the west. He was very charitable, and gave away much to the poor that only he himself knew of. Much of his life was spent in Strong, Maine.

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Panthea P. B. TUCKER

____ - ____

Family 1 : Dr. George Henry TOWLE
  1.  Edith Lenora TOWLE
  2.  James Burton TOWLE
  3.  Etta Frances TOWLE
  4.  George Henry TOWLE


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Asa Coombs WILSON

13 APR 1824 - ____

Father: William WILSON
Mother: Betsey PRATT

 _William WILSON _____|
|  m 1820             |
|                     |_____________________
|--Asa Coombs WILSON 
|  (1824 - ....)
|                      _John PRATT _________
|                     | (.... - 1818)       
|_Betsey PRATT _______|
  (1796 - ....) m 1820|
                      |_Mary ? _____________


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