Solomon BABB

02 SEP 1845 - ____

Father: Leonard BABB
Mother: Martha Ann EMERSON

                       _Jethro BABB ________
 _Leonard BABB _______|
| (1823 - 1888) m 1843|
|                     |_Sally DREW _________
|--Solomon BABB 
|  (1845 - ....)
|                      _Richard F EMERSON __+
|                     | (1789 - 1866) m 1823
|_Martha Ann EMERSON _|
  (1823 - ....) m 1843|
                      |_Delia H GOSS _______+
                        (1804 - 1883) m 1823


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Eliza Ellen BOOKER


05 SEPT 1836 - 06 JAN 1919

Father: Joseph BOOKER
Mother: Eliza PHILPS

Family 1 : Samuel GIVEN Jr.
  1. +Charles Saville GIVEN

 _Joseph BOOKER ______|
|                     |
|                     |__
|--Eliza Ellen BOOKER 
|  (.... - 1919)
|                      __
|                     |  
|_Eliza PHILPS _______|


[150] Eliza Ellen Booker was found as this name on her death stone. But the book I read has her as Ellen E. Booker.

The date of death needs to be checked because it has here stone as 07 Jan 1920 and I have 06 Jan 1919.

[478] [S24] Topsham town records 1705-1813 in Augusta, Maine microfinche #578

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Ellen Lavinda GIVEN

01 NOV 1895 - 12 MAY 1977

Father: Charles Saville GIVEN
Mother: Hattie Chandler RACKLEFF

                             _Samuel GIVEN Jr.____+
                            | (1829 - 1919) m 1859
 _Charles Saville GIVEN ____|
| (1865 - 1929) m 1889      |
|                           |_Eliza Ellen BOOKER _+
|                             (.... - 1919) m 1859
|--Ellen Lavinda GIVEN 
|  (1895 - 1977)
|                            _Charles R RACKLEFF _
|                           |                     
|_Hattie Chandler RACKLEFF _|
  (1869 - 1932) m 1889      |
                            |_Ella HIGGINS _______


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____ - ____

Family 1 : Joshua LANE
  1. +Sarah LANE


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Harriet M. LEACH

____ - ____

Family 1 : William Morrison TOWLE


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Louisa PRATT

26 DEC 1788 - ____

Father: John PRATT
Mother: Mary ?

 _John PRATT _________|
| (.... - 1818)       |
|                     |__
|--Louisa PRATT 
|  (1788 - ....)
|                      __
|                     |  
|_Mary ? _____________|


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11 MAR 1701 - 1783

Father: Joseph TOWLE
Mother: Mehetabel HOBBS

Family 1 : Jonathan PAGE

                       _Philip TOWLE _______
                      | (1616 - 1696) m 1657
 _Joseph TOWLE _______|
| (1669 - 1757) m 1693|
|                     |_Isabella AUSTIN ____+
|                       (1633 - 1719) m 1657
|--Mary TOWLE 
|  (1701 - 1783)
|                      _John HOBBS _________+
|                     |  m 1665             
|_Mehetabel HOBBS ____|
  (1673 - ....) m 1693|
                      |_Sarah COLCORD ______+
                        (1647 - ....) m 1665


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Matthew Raymond TOWLE


15 NOV 1990 - ____

Father: Barry Raymond TOWLE
Mother: Geralynn Patrice SMITH

                           _Richard TOWLE _____________+
                          | (1929 - 1965) m 1951       
 _Barry Raymond TOWLE ____|
| (1961 - ....) m 1986    |
|                         |_Harriett Elizabeth WILSON _+
|                           (1933 - ....) m 1951       
|--Matthew Raymond TOWLE 
|  (1990 - ....)
|                          ____________________________
|                         |                            
|_Geralynn Patrice SMITH _|
  (1961 - ....) m 1986    |


[34] 7 lb 1 oz; 22 inches long

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