Thomas BROWN

____ - ____

Family 1 : Mehetabel TOWLE


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Frank CARD Jr.

____ - ____

Family 1 : Jane Elizabeth DEBIASIO


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Nancy Elizabeth DOE


1778 - 21 SEP 1861

Father: John DOE
Mother: Mary ?

Family 1 : Josiah TOWLE
  1.  Julia Ann TOWLE
  2.  George Washington TOWLE
  3.  Harriet TOWLE
  4.  Charlotte TOWLE
  5.  Emiline TOWLE
  6.  William TOWLE
  7.  Caroline TOWLE
  8.  Susanna TOWLE

 _John DOE ___________|
|                     |
|                     |__
|--Nancy Elizabeth DOE 
|  (1778 - 1861)
|                      __
|                     |  
|_Mary ? _____________|


[8] Nancys descendents are buried in Mt. Hope cemetery Bangor, Maine so the family appears to have gone from Newfiled to Bangor, Maine.

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Ella Frances GIVEN

24 MAR 1891 - 30 MAR 1942

Father: Charles Saville GIVEN
Mother: Hattie Chandler RACKLEFF

Family 1 : Frank DEBIASIO
  1. +James Franklin DEBIASIO
  2.  Catherine May DEBIASIO
  3. +Katherine Hattie DEBIASIO
  4. +Andrew Harold DEBIASIO
  5. +Frank Ernest DEBIASIO

                             _Samuel GIVEN Jr.____+
                            | (1829 - 1919) m 1859
 _Charles Saville GIVEN ____|
| (1865 - 1929) m 1889      |
|                           |_Eliza Ellen BOOKER _+
|                             (.... - 1919) m 1859
|--Ella Frances GIVEN 
|  (1891 - 1942)
|                            _Charles R RACKLEFF _
|                           |                     
|_Hattie Chandler RACKLEFF _|
  (1869 - 1932) m 1889      |
                            |_Ella HIGGINS _______


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25 MAR 1803 - ____

Father: Benjamin HIGGINS
Mother: Hannah COOMBS

                       _Philip HIGGINS _____+
                      | (1728 - ....)       
 _Benjamin HIGGINS ___|
| (1765 - 1859)       |
|                     |_Mary WILEY _________
|--James HIGGINS 
|  (1803 - ....)
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Hannah COOMBS ______|
  (1785 - 1811)       |


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Mary Elina SHORB

29 JAN 1849 - ____

Father: Adam SHORB
Mother: Maria BOWEN

 _Adam SHORB _________|
|                     |
|                     |__
|--Mary Elina SHORB 
|  (1849 - ....)
|                      __
|                     |  
|_Maria BOWEN ________|


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George Henry STOUGHTON

____ - ____

Father: Samuel J. STOUGHTON
Mother: Eliza Jane TOWLE

 _Samuel J. STOUGHTON _|
|  m 1871              |
|                      |__________________________
|--George Henry STOUGHTON 
|                       _Johnathan Perkins TOWLE _+
|                      | (1811 - 1881) m 1836     
|_Eliza Jane TOWLE ____|
  (1846 - ....) m 1871 |
                       |_Eliza HEATH _____________
                          m 1836                  


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Benjamin Frye TOWLE

1876 - ____

Father: Benjamin Franklin TOWLE
Mother: Hannah S. ROLLINS

Family 1 : Isabel Porter HOWES

                            _Daniel TOWLE _______+
                           | (1779 - 1831) m 1807
 _Benjamin Franklin TOWLE _|
| (1831 - 1876) m 1853     |
|                          |_Mary LADD __________
|                             m 1807             
|--Benjamin Frye TOWLE 
|  (1876 - ....)
|                           _____________________
|                          |                     
|_Hannah S. ROLLINS _______|
   m 1853                  |


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Julia Ann TOWLE

____ - ____

Father: Benjamin Franklin TOWLE
Mother: Martha A. SWAIN

                            _Robey Marston TOWLE _+
                           | (1809 - 1887) m 1829 
 _Benjamin Franklin TOWLE _|
| (1831 - 1901) m 1852     |
|                          |_Abigail NELSON ______
|                             m 1829              
|--Julia Ann TOWLE 
|                           ______________________
|                          |                      
|_Martha A. SWAIN _________|
   m 1852                  |


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Philip TOWLE


1616 - 11 DEC 1696

Family 1 : Isabella AUSTIN
  1.  Philip TOWLE
  2.  Caleb TOWLE
  3.  Joshua TOWLE
  4.  Mary TOWLE
  5. +Joseph TOWLE
  6.  Benjamin TOWLE
  7.  Francis TOWLE
  8.  John TOWLE
  9.  Caleb 2d TOWLE


[107] The following is typed word for word from the book "Descendants of Jonathan Towle" so spelling may be wrong.
Philip Towle of Hampton was the patriarch of the Towles of this country. The land of his nativity is not known, nor the date of his emigration to America. We first find him among, and intermarried with, the English. The name Towle, however, is undoubtedly of Irish origin, and Philip is said to have displayed Irish characteristics and to have so impressed them on his neighborhood that it has been called Ireland ever since,-- a fact which has not interfered with its prosperity, for it is now the business center of the village.
He was in Hampton as early as Nov. 19, 1657, on which date he was married to Isabella Austin. April 15, 1664, he bought land which is still owned by his descendants. His deed was from the Rev. John Wheelwright, the founder of Exeter, who had been third pastor in Hampton. The land is still described as follows: "one messuage, or dwelling-house, with the other outhousing thereunto belonging; as also a house lott adjoining thereunto, containing by estimaccon seven acres and a halfe more or less (being formerly the house and land of Henry Ambrose) butting upon the highway leading to Exiter with one end, and with the other upon the land of John Marian on the west and the land of the Jasper Blake easterly." There were also deeded to him about seventy acres in outlying lands and some shares in common lands.
He does not seem to have been prominent in town affairs, so far as appears from the records. On one occasion he and five others "for taking tabacko neare ye meeting house in ye face of ye court, were fined each of them ten shillings according to law." The law was an act of the town meeting Feb. 14, 1676, recorded as follows: "To prevent Danger by fire it is ordered that if any person shall take any tabaco, or Carrie any fire or make use of any fire in the new meeting House or such offense, the one Halfe to the Informer & the other Halfe to the Towne." Philip was at this time about sixty years
These are about the facts that have come down to us about our first American ancestors of the Towle name. Philip seems to have gained no special distention, while Isabella suffered some disesteem. They were probably strong and hardy people and laid the foundation of the vitality and vigor that have characterized their descendants. This may be inferred from their longevity in the hard circumstances of those times. Philip lived to be eighty, Isabella to be about eighty-six, her mother to past eighty, her twin sons Joseph and Benjamin to eighty-eight and ninety, her youngest son Caleb to eighty-five.
Philip Towle married, Nov. 19, 1657, Isabella, daughter of Francis and Isabella (Bland) Austin of Colchester, England, and Hampton, N.H., granddaughter of John and Joanna Bland of Edgartown, England. She was born about 1633, and was eldest of three daughters. Philip was a seaman, and supposed to be Irish descent, then forty-one years of age. They lived in what is now the heart of the village, just north of the bridge over the steam railway, over which passes the electric line to Exeter. The raising of the grade of the street, and the widening of the railroad for the second track have obliterated all the ancient landmarks in the vicinity. Just where his remains repose is uncertain; some of the succeeding generations are known to be buried in the old burying ground near the first church, and possibly his body and that of Isabella, his wife, may rest there also. Five of his sons served in King William's war (1689-1698).

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Sarah Elizabeth TROW

____ - ____

Father: Anthony C TROW
Mother: Orinda L. WIGGIN

                       _Nathan Smith TROW __
                      | (1804 - 1885) m 1827
 _Anthony C TROW _____|
| (1833 - ....) m 1862|
|                     |_Sarah CHASE ________+
|                       (1802 - 1874) m 1827
|--Sarah Elizabeth TROW 
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Orinda L. WIGGIN ___|
   m 1862             |


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1891 - 1891

Father: Horace Scott WILSON
Mother: Elizabeth BLAISDELL

                        _Jefferson WILSON ____+
                       | (1820 - 1899)        
 _Horace Scott WILSON _|
| (1867 - 1949) m 1887 |
|                      |_Elizabeth D SMALL ___+
|                        (1841 - 1934)        
|--Walter S WILSON 
|  (1891 - 1891)
|                       _Samuel S. BLAISDELL _
|                      |                      
|_Elizabeth BLAISDELL _|
  (1868 - 1934) m 1887 |
                       |_Elizabeth BOOBER ____


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