
____ - ____

Family 1 : Isaac MESSER
  1. +Mary MESSER


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Lydia ?

____ - ____

Family 1 : Robert CLEMENTS
  1. +Robert CLEMENTS


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Mary ?

____ - ____

Family 1 : Abraham PERKINS
  1. +Jonathan PERKINS


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1630 - ____

Father: Nathaniel BACHILER
Mother: Hester MERCER

Family 1 : Deborah SMITH
  1. +Deacon Nathaniel BATCHELDER

                       _Rev. Stephen BACHILER _
                      | (1561 - 1660)          
 _Nathaniel BACHILER _|
| (1590 - ....)       |
|                     |_Helen _________________
|                       (.... - 1642)          
|--Nathaniel BATCHELLER 
|  (1630 - ....)
|                      ________________________
|                     |                        
|_Hester MERCER ______|


[471] He married Dec. 10, 1656, Deborah Smith, dau. of John Smith of Martha's Vineyard, sister of John, niece of Ruth Dalton: d. March 8, 1675: m. 2d, Oct. 31, 1676, Mrs. Mary (Carter) Wyman, dau. of Rev. Thomas Carter and wid. of John Wyman of Wodburn; b. July 24, 1648, d. in 1688: she was cousin of his first wife: m. 3rd, Oct. 23, 1689, Elizabeth B. Knill, wid. of John: she survived him: she was admitted a member of the Charlestown church, Sept. e, 1677. He was always a resident of Hampton, and held many offices of trust and honor in the town and church. He was for some time constable, and and for nine years a selectman. Nathaniel Bachelor of Hampton made a desposition Dec. 9, 1680, and was then about 50 years of age. His province rate was the fifth in size in 1680 of a list of 150 inhabitants of Hampton. He was constable in 1863. The following anecdote is told of him: When, after the death of his first wife, he was determined to marry again, he resolved to be governed in his choice by the direction in which his staff, held perpendicularly over the floor, should it fall, when dropped from his hand. The experiment being tried, the staff fells towards the southwest, and in that direction he bent his steps. Having traveled as far as Wodburn, he called on the Widow Wyman and offered her his hand, statinf he was going to Boston and would call for her answer on his return. It was favorable, for they were at once married. His widow, Elizabeth, and children, made an agreement Marcgh 17,1710, in addition to his will, which dated Feb. 14, 1706-7. The parties were the widow, Nathaniel, ect, ect. More in the book: Batchelder, Barcheller Genealogy. Descendants of Rev. Stephen Bachiler, of England, By Frederick Clifton Pierce

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Elihu Burrett CHASE

____ - ____

Father: Elihu Franklin CHASE
Mother: Emma M. SHERMAN

                         _Elihu CHASE ________+
                        | (1800 - 1886) m 1822
 _Elihu Franklin CHASE _|
| (1833 - 1883) m 1859  |
|                       |_Betsey RUSSELL _____+
|                         (1796 - 1888) m 1822
|--Elihu Burrett CHASE 
|                        _____________________
|                       |                     
|_Emma M. SHERMAN ______|
   m 1859               |


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Phillipe DE LANNOY

BEF 1501 - 1543

Father: Baudoin DE LANNOY
Mother: Michelle d'Esne dame DE CONROY

Family 1 : Magdeline DE BOURGOGNE
  1. +Jean DE LANNOY

                                   _Baudoin XIX 'le Begue DE LANNOY ______+
                                  | (1419 - 1474)                         
 _Baudoin DE LANNOY ______________|
| (1439 - 1501)                   |
|                                 |_Adrienne de Berlaymont dit DE FLOYON _
|                                   (.... - 1439)                         
|--Phillipe DE LANNOY 
|  (1501 - 1543)
|                                  _______________________________________
|                                 |                                       
|_Michelle d'Esne dame DE CONROY _|
  (.... - 1511)                   |


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Andrew Harold DEBIASIO

09 JUN 1923 - ____

Father: Frank DEBIASIO
Mother: Ella Frances GIVEN

Family 1 : Alberta Hope JUDKINS
  1. +Susan Ella DEBIASIO
  2.  Jane Elizabeth DEBIASIO

                       _Andrew DIBIASIO __________
 _Frank DEBIASIO _____|
| (1883 - 1971) m 1908|
|                     |_Katherine ? ______________
|--Andrew Harold DEBIASIO 
|  (1923 - ....)
|                      _Charles Saville GIVEN ____+
|                     | (1865 - 1929) m 1889      
|_Ella Frances GIVEN _|
  (1891 - 1942) m 1908|
                      |_Hattie Chandler RACKLEFF _+
                        (1869 - 1932) m 1889      


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Hannah GOSS


ABT 1806 - ____

Father: Joseph GOSS
Mother: Molly TOWLE

 _Joseph GOSS ________|
| (1758 - ....) m 1802|
|                     |_____________________
|--Hannah GOSS 
|  (1806 - ....)
|                      _Jonathan TOWLE _____+
|                     | (1747 - 1822) m 1773
|_Molly TOWLE ________|
  (.... - 1853) m 1802|
                      |_Miriam MARSTON _____+
                        (1749 - 1835) m 1773


[261] Hannah died young.

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Lynn Ann HALEY

11 OCT 1954 - ____

Father: Paul Whitman HALEY
Mother: Mary Elizabeth SNOW

Family 1 : Everett Charles SMITH
  1.  Paul Everett SMITH
  2.  Eric Alan SMITH

                        _Frank Charles HALEY __+
                       | (1881 - 1954) m 1904  
 _Paul Whitman HALEY __|
| (1925 - ....) m 1951 |
|                      |_Emma Elizabeth TOWLE _+
|                        (1881 - 1963) m 1904  
|--Lynn Ann HALEY 
|  (1954 - ....)
|                       _______________________
|                      |                       
|_Mary Elizabeth SNOW _|
  (1935 - ....) m 1951 |


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____ - ____

Family 1 : John WINGATE
  1. +Mary J NORTON


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Roberta HOWARD

____ - ____

Family 1 : Keith Marland WILSON


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James Robert KELLEY

01 MAY 1954 - ____

Father: Robert KELLEY
Mother: Mary Lou SWEAT

 _Robert KELLEY ______|
|                     |
|                     |_____________________
|--James Robert KELLEY 
|  (1954 - ....)
|                      _John (Jack) SWEAT __+
|                     | (1895 - 1955) m 1925
|_Mary Lou SWEAT _____|
  (1932 - ....)       |
                      |_Alice Marie STIPE __+
                        (1899 - ....) m 1925


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William OSGOOD

____ - 1700

Father: Christopher OSGOOD
Mother: Elizabeth BROCKWELL

Family 1 : Sarah Elizabeth CLEAR
  1. +Sarah OSGOOD

                        _Christopher OSGOOD _
                       | (1543 - ....)       
 _Christopher OSGOOD __|
| (1569 - ....) m 1599 |
|                      |_Unknown ____________
|--William OSGOOD 
|  (.... - 1700)
|                       _____________________
|                      |                     
|_Elizabeth BROCKWELL _|
  (1573 - 1612) m 1599 |


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____ - 1954

Family 1 : Lillian CAIRNS


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John (Jack) SWEAT


23 JUN 1895 - 31 DEC 1955

Father: Dr. John A SWEAT
Mother: Mary Frances TOWLE

Family 1 : Alice Marie STIPE
  1. +John Bruce SWEAT
  2. +William Towle SWEAT
  3. +Mary Lou SWEAT
  4. +Robert Darrell SWEAT

 _Dr. John A SWEAT ___|
|  m 1888             |
|                     |_______________________
|--John (Jack) SWEAT 
|  (1895 - 1955)
|                      _Jason Whitman TOWLE __+
|                     | (1834 - 1914) m 1863  
|_Mary Frances TOWLE _|
  (1866 - 1940) m 1888|
                      |_Emma Elizabeth SHORB _+
                        (1846 - 1921) m 1863  


[84] John was a Jr. Residence Colfax, Washington.

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George Whelpley TOWLE

____ - ____

Father: George Washington TOWLE
Mother: Mary L. WHELPLEY

                            _Daniel TOWLE _______+
                           | (1779 - 1831) m 1807
 _George Washington TOWLE _|
| (1823 - 1896) m 1853     |
|                          |_Mary LADD __________
|                             m 1807             
|--George Whelpley TOWLE 
|                           _____________________
|                          |                     
|_Mary L. WHELPLEY ________|
   m 1853                  |


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Thomas WOOD

____ - ____

Family 1 : Eva Lewella TOWLE
  1.  John William WOOD
  2.  Vivian Mae WOOD
  3.  Lillian WOOD
  4.  Charlie Elmer WOOD


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