William E CAIRNS


13 MAY 1908 - 17 JAN 1983

Father: Charles CAIRNS
Mother: Adeline WILLIAMS

                       _Edward J CAIRNS ________+
                      | (1868 - 1933) m 1891    
 _Charles CAIRNS _____|
| (1906 - 1984)       |
|                     |_Caroline Elsie SCHERER _+
|                       (1874 - 1962) m 1891    
|--William E CAIRNS 
|  (1908 - 1983)
|                      _________________________
|                     |                         
|_Adeline WILLIAMS ___|


[132] +Need to research this because according to information his father was 1 year old when he was born.

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____ - ____

Family 1 : Joseph KNIGHT
  1. +Albert KNIGHT


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Eliza CATE

____ - ____

Father: John CATE
Mother: Molly TOWLE

Family 1 : Enoch FRENCH

 _John CATE __________|
|  m 1797             |
|                     |________________________
|--Eliza CATE 
|                      _Abraham Perkins TOWLE _+
|                     | (1740 - 1804) m 1763   
|_Molly TOWLE ________|
   m 1797             |
                      |_Abigail MOULTON _______+
                        (1745 - 1825) m 1763   


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Philip Dana COOK


13 APR 1954 - ____

Father: Dana Edward COOK
Mother: Philis Sara EASTMAN

Family 1 : Janine Alma SIRSTINS
  1.  Shue Royine COOK

                        _Walter Perley COOK _____
 _Dana Edward COOK ____|
| (1920 - ....) m 1953 |
|                      |_Marion SIMMONS _________
|--Philip Dana COOK 
|  (1954 - ....)
|                       _Philip Chester EASTMAN _+
|                      | (1902 - 1926) m 1921    
|_Philis Sara EASTMAN _|
  (1926 - ....) m 1953 |
                       |_Fannie Leona BOWLEY ____+
                         (1901 - 1978) m 1921    


[203] Residence in 1980 was Alameda, California.

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Franklin Clarence DEBIASIO

07 NOV 1933 - ____

Father: James Franklin DEBIASIO
Mother: Hazel Mae SMITH

                            _Frank DEBIASIO _____+
                           | (1883 - 1971) m 1908
 _James Franklin DEBIASIO _|
| (1909 - 1991) m 1933     |
|                          |_Ella Frances GIVEN _+
|                            (1891 - 1942) m 1908
|--Franklin Clarence DEBIASIO 
|  (1933 - ....)
|                           _____________________
|                          |                     
|_Hazel Mae SMITH _________|
  (1910 - 1992) m 1933     |


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24 MAY 1825 - ____

Father: Richard F EMERSON
Mother: Delia H GOSS

Family 1 : Albert KNIGHT
  1.  Sarah Frances KNIGHT

                       _Samuel EMERSON _____
 _Richard F EMERSON __|
| (1789 - 1866) m 1823|
|                     |_Polly MORRILL ______
|--Abigail F EMERSON 
|  (1825 - ....)
|                      _Joseph GOSS ________
|                     | (1758 - ....) m 1802
|_Delia H GOSS _______|
  (1804 - 1883) m 1823|
                      |_Molly TOWLE ________+
                        (.... - 1853) m 1802


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Samuel HICKS

____ - ____

Father: Robert HICKS
Mother: Margaret WINSLOW

Family 1 : Lydia DOANE
  1. +Elizabeth HICKS

                       _James HICKS ________+
                      | (1550 - ....)       
 _Robert HICKS _______|
| (1574 - 1647) m 1600|
|                     |_Phebe ALLYNE _______+
|                       (1557 - ....)       
|--Samuel HICKS 
|                      _Edward WINSLOW _____+
|                     | (1560 - 1560)       
|_Margaret WINSLOW ___|
  (1579 - 1665) m 1600|
                      |_Elanor PELHAM ______+
                        (1564 - ....)       


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____ - ____

Family 1 : Nathaniel BACHILER
  1. +Nathaniel BATCHELLER


[473] She was a niece of Rev. John Priaulx, archdeacon of Sarum.

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17 OCT 1783 - ____

Father: James ROGERS
Mother: Mary MUSTARD

                       _George ROGERS ______+
                      | (1729 - 1818)       
 _James ROGERS _______|
| (1757 - ....)       |
|                     |_Margarett CAMPBELL _+
|                       (.... - 1759)       
|--Peggy ROGERS 
|  (1783 - ....)
|                      _James MUSTARD ______
|                     |                     
|_Mary MUSTARD _______|
                      |_unknown ____________


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Elon Gustaf Vilhelm SARRGENT

14 NOV 1890 - ____

Father: Elon Galusha SARGENT
Mother: Emma Frederika RYNING

                          _Seth Chillis SARGENT _+
                         | (1815 - 1891) m 1845  
 _Elon Galusha SARGENT __|
| (1847 - ....) m 1880   |
|                        |_Betsey Ann CHASE _____+
|                          (1825 - ....) m 1845  
|--Elon Gustaf Vilhelm SARRGENT 
|  (1890 - ....)
|                         _Carl Lars RYNING _____
|                        |                       
|_Emma Frederika RYNING _|
  (1859 - ....) m 1880   |
                         |_Ulrika JOHANSON ______


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Eric Alan SMITH

04 JUL 1976 - ____

Father: Everett Charles SMITH
Mother: Lynn Ann HALEY

 _Everett Charles SMITH _|
| (1954 - ....) m 1971   |
|                        |______________________
|--Eric Alan SMITH 
|  (1976 - ....)
|                         _Paul Whitman HALEY __+
|                        | (1925 - ....) m 1951 
|_Lynn Ann HALEY ________|
  (1954 - ....) m 1971   |
                         |_Mary Elizabeth SNOW _
                           (1935 - ....) m 1951 


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Robert Jeffrey SWEAT

02 JUN 1967 - ____

Father: Robert Darrell SWEAT
Mother: Barbara Jean BARKOVICH

                           _John (Jack) SWEAT __+
                          | (1895 - 1955) m 1925
 _Robert Darrell SWEAT ___|
| (1938 - ....) m 1961    |
|                         |_Alice Marie STIPE __+
|                           (1899 - ....) m 1925
|--Robert Jeffrey SWEAT 
|  (1967 - ....)
|                          _____________________
|                         |                     
|_Barbara Jean BARKOVICH _|
  (1942 - ....) m 1961    |


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Liane Estelle TOWLE

01 AUG 1987 - ____

Father: Donald Francis TOWLE Jr.
Mother: Ruth CROWELL

                            _Donald Francis TOWLE _+
                           | (1938 - ....) m 1958  
 _Donald Francis TOWLE Jr._|
| (1959 - ....) m 1979     |
|                          |_Aloma WATSON _________
|                            (1941 - ....) m 1958  
|--Liane Estelle TOWLE 
|  (1987 - ....)
|                           _______________________
|                          |                       
|_Ruth CROWELL ____________|
  (1960 - ....) m 1979     |


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