
____ - ____

Family 1 : Archembald


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Samuel BALL

____ - ____

Family 1 : Mary CAIRNS


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Beecher CHASE

____ - ____

Father: Elihu Franklin CHASE
Mother: Emma M. SHERMAN

                         _Elihu CHASE ________+
                        | (1800 - 1886) m 1822
 _Elihu Franklin CHASE _|
| (1833 - 1883) m 1859  |
|                       |_Betsey RUSSELL _____+
|                         (1796 - 1888) m 1822
|--Beecher CHASE 
|                        _____________________
|                       |                     
|_Emma M. SHERMAN ______|
   m 1859               |


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[400] [401] [402]

____ - 29 SEP 1658

Family 1 : Lydia ?
  1. +Robert CLEMENTS



[401] Robert Clements (Richard of Cosby, Robert of Croft, Richard of Croft), baptised at Cosby, Leicestershire, England, 14 Dec. 1595 died at Haverhill, Mass., 29 Sept. 1658. He married first Lydia ------, who was buried at Ansley, Warwickshire, 12 Mar. 1642, and secondly, before 1657, Judith -----, who married after his death, John Whitney * of Watertown, Mass., and died in 1669.
Robert Clements probably grew to manhood in the parish at Cosby, receiving an education which developed a mind unusual for the times. Although the records showed little of him in youth, it can not be doubted that the great formative influences of the period profoundly affected him.
In 1617 his father, Richard Clements, died and on 20 Oct. in that year Robert Clements, then aged twenty three years, was granted administration on his estate. (Act Book Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 1615-1618, Fol:133.).
Unfortunately the papers relating to Ricahrd Clements estate are lost, only the record of the commission to the administrator being preserved. In this same year, 1617, Robert Clements paid £60 for land in Huncote, where he lived for a number of years. Huncote is in the parish of Narborough, Leicestershire, and near Croft, Leire, Sutton, and Broughton Astley. At all of these places he had relatives living.
* = FROM ABOVE - John Whitney aged 35, with wife Elinor aged 30, embarked at London in 1635, in the Elizabeth & Ann, Roger Cooper, master. Freeman of Watertown, 1635-6. Elinor Whitney died 11 May 1659.
In 1619, his mother Agnes died, and the administration of her estate was granted at Leicester, on 7 Aug 1619, to William Fellowes of Enderby, (Act Book, co. Leicester, 1604-1634) William Fellowes was evidently her eldest son by a former marriage. In the record of the commossion she called "Agnes Clements of Huncote." She was undoubtedly living with her son, Robert Clements, at the time of her decease.


Much research has failed to disclose anything in regard to the parentage of Lydia, the first wife of Robert Clements, and the mother of all his children. That her memory was cherished is evidenced by the fact that each of the children named a daughter for her. Robert Clements buried her at Ansley on 12 Mar. 1642. One of her descendants has lately had a bronze tablet to her memory set in the wall of the Ansley Church. It bears the following inscription:
"In memory of
Lydia Clements
Buried in this churchyard March 12, 1642
The wife of Robert Clements who emigrated to
New England 1642
And became one of the founders of
Haverhill, Massachusetts."


[402] (Richard of Crosby, Robert of Croft, Richard of Croft)

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Michelle d'Esne dame DE CONROY

____ - 1511

Family 1 : Baudoin DE LANNOY
  1. +Phillipe DE LANNOY


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____ - ____

Father: Andrew DIBIASIO
Mother: Katherine ?

 _Andrew DIBIASIO ____|
|                     |
|                     |__
|--Filamena DIBIASIO 
|                      __
|                     |  
|_Katherine ? ________|


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Elizabeth FOSS

1666 - 1746

Family 1 : Deacon Nathaniel BATCHELDER
  1. +Deacon Nathan BATCHELDER


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Huldah GOSS


ABT 1805 - ____

Father: Joseph GOSS
Mother: Molly TOWLE

 _Joseph GOSS ________|
| (1758 - ....) m 1802|
|                     |_____________________
|--Huldah GOSS 
|  (1805 - ....)
|                      _Jonathan TOWLE _____+
|                     | (1747 - 1822) m 1773
|_Molly TOWLE ________|
  (.... - 1853) m 1802|
                      |_Miriam MARSTON _____+
                        (1749 - 1835) m 1773


[260] Huldah Goss, daughter of Joseph, is supposed to have married a man named York, and to have removed to Kittery, Maine.

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____ - ____

Family 1 : *
  1. +Mary MESSER


[364] Isaac was of New London, New Hampshire.

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____ - ____

Family 1 : Mary ?
  1. +Jonathan PERKINS


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Mary Elizabeth SNOW

11 SEP 1935 - ____

Family 1 : Paul Whitman HALEY
  1. +Lynn Ann HALEY
  2.  Kathleen Marie HALEY
  3.  Jill Pauline HALEY
  4.  Sarah Lee HALEY


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01 JUN 1893 - 03 FEB 1971

Father: Dr. John A SWEAT
Mother: Mary Frances TOWLE

 _Dr. John A SWEAT ___|
|  m 1888             |
|                     |_______________________
|--Ruth SWEAT 
|  (1893 - 1971)
|                      _Jason Whitman TOWLE __+
|                     | (1834 - 1914) m 1863  
|_Mary Frances TOWLE _|
  (1866 - 1940) m 1888|
                      |_Emma Elizabeth SHORB _+
                        (1846 - 1921) m 1863  


[83] She was the predecessor of the Moden Day "Betty Crocker". She was employed in the experimental kitchens of General Mills even before the first "Betty Crocker". She lived in the Dutton area of Montana.

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Mary Frances TOWLE

____ - ____

Father: George Washington TOWLE
Mother: Mary L. WHELPLEY

                            _Daniel TOWLE _______+
                           | (1779 - 1831) m 1807
 _George Washington TOWLE _|
| (1823 - 1896) m 1853     |
|                          |_Mary LADD __________
|                             m 1807             
|--Mary Frances TOWLE 
|                           _____________________
|                          |                     
|_Mary L. WHELPLEY ________|
   m 1853                  |


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Murne Martin TOWLE


____ - ____

Father: Martin Richardson TOWLE
Mother: Julia F. SUMNER

                            _John Darling TOWLE _+
                           | (1809 - 1894) m 1833
 _Martin Richardson TOWLE _|
| (1848 - ....) m 1871     |
|                          |_Patience DOW _______
|                             m 1833             
|--Murne Martin TOWLE 
|                           _____________________
|                          |                     
|_Julia F. SUMNER _________|
   m 1871                  |


[324] Murne Martin Towle was adopted.

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Keith Marland WILSON

28 SEP 1948 - ____

Father: Arnold Leon WILSON
Mother: Barbara LUBEE

Family 1 : Roberta HOWARD
Family 2 : Tracy Elaine EGGLEFTON
  1.  Richard Keith WILSON

                       _Herbert Roscoe WILSON _+
                      | (1892 - 1965) m 1920   
 _Arnold Leon WILSON _|
| (1927 - 1994)       |
|                     |_Annetta CAIRNS ________+
|                       (1901 - 1986) m 1920   
|--Keith Marland WILSON 
|  (1948 - ....)
|                      ________________________
|                     |                        
|_Barbara LUBEE ______|


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