____ - ____

Family 1 : Edward Lewis CUNNINGHAM
  1.  Shelby Rae Ann CUNNINGHAM
  2.  Eddie Lee CUNNINGHAM


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20 MAY 1960 - ____

Family 1 : Donald Francis TOWLE Jr.
  1.  Ryan Jeffery TOWLE
  2.  Nina Marie TOWLE
  3.  Liane Estelle TOWLE
  4.  Caitlin Dorothy TOWLE
  5.  Emily Jane TOWLE


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Fred Richmond GOSS

19 OCT 1876 - ____

Father: Daniel Richmond GOSS
Mother: Nettie SHOLTZ

                         _Daniel Towle GOSS ___+
                        | (1811 - 1895) m 1839 
 _Daniel Richmond GOSS _|
| (1850 - ....) m 1873  |
|                       |_Abbie Weld GEORGE ___
|                         (1819 - 1895) m 1839 
|--Fred Richmond GOSS 
|  (1876 - ....)
|                        _William Fred SHOLTZ _
|                       |                      
|_Nettie SHOLTZ ________|
  (1856 - ....) m 1873  |
                        |_Annie PHILBRICK _____


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____ - ____

Family 1 : Bert Herbert SMITH III
  1.  Bert Herbert SMITH IV
  2.  Barton Frederick SMITH
  3.  Rebecca Lynn SMITH


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Deborah STROUT

CA 1696 - ____

Father: Christopher STROUT
Mother: Sarah PICKE

 _Christopher STROUT _|
|  m 1680             |
|                     |__
|--Deborah STROUT 
|                      __
|                     |  
|_Sarah PICKE ________|
  (.... - 1723) m 1680|


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Alice Hartwell TOWLE

____ - ____

Father: William Morrison TOWLE
Mother: Mary E MERRILL

                           _Josiah TOWLE Jr.____+
                          | (1798 - 1882) m 1825
 _William Morrison TOWLE _|
| (1826 - 1896)           |
|                         |_Lucinda MORRISON ___+
|                           (1806 - 1886) m 1825
|--Alice Hartwell TOWLE 
|                          _____________________
|                         |                     
|_Mary E MERRILL _________|
  (.... - 1863)           |


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Benjamin Marden TOWLE


____ - ____

Father: Simeon TOWLE
Mother: Elizabeth MARDEN

Family 1 : Hannah SANBORN

                       _Jonathan TOWLE _____+
                      | (1729 - ....)       
 _Simeon TOWLE _______|
|                     |
|                     |_Elizabeth JENNESS __
|                       (1734 - ....)       
|--Benjamin Marden TOWLE 
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Elizabeth MARDEN ___|


[282] Benjamin and Hannah lived in Epsom, New Hampshire. They reared a large family.

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____ - 06 MAY 1853

Father: Jonathan TOWLE
Mother: Miriam MARSTON

Family 1 : Joseph GOSS
  1.  Miriam GOSS
  2. +Delia H GOSS
  3.  Huldah GOSS
  4.  Hannah GOSS
  5.  Jonathan GOSS
  6. +David T GOSS
  7. +Daniel Towle GOSS

                       _James TOWLE __________+
                      | (1698 - 1756) m 1725  
 _Jonathan TOWLE _____|
| (1747 - 1822) m 1773|
|                     |_Kezia PERKINS ________+
|                       (1709 - 1794) m 1725  
|--Molly TOWLE 
|  (.... - 1853)
|                      _Capt. Daniel MARSTON _
|                     |                       
|_Miriam MARSTON _____|
  (1749 - 1835) m 1773|
                      |_Sarah CLOUGH _________


[250] By the arrangement of her sons she spent the last years of her life in the
family of her nephew, Robey, and was buried in the family burying ground.

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Wade Christopher TOWLE

11 NOV 1967 - ____

Father: William Clement TOWLE
Mother: Janice GOWELL

                          _Howard Elmore TOWLE ___+
                         | (1897 - 1953)          
 _William Clement TOWLE _|
| (1935 - 1986) m 1956   |
|                        |_Mabel Prudence WATSON _+
|                          (1898 - 1977)          
|--Wade Christopher TOWLE 
|  (1967 - ....)
|                         ________________________
|                        |                        
|_Janice GOWELL _________|
  (1938 - ....) m 1956   |


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25 OCT 1746 - ____

Father: Samuel WINCHELL
Mother: Sarah MCNEISS

                       _John WINCHELL ______+
                      | (1680 - 1733) m 1706
 _Samuel WINCHELL ____|
| (1711 - 1785) m 1738|
|                     |_Martha ENO _________
|                       (1685 - ....) m 1706
|--Samuel WINCHELL 
|  (1746 - ....)
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Sarah MCNEISS ______|
  (1718 - 1783) m 1738|


[166] Samuel and his brother Jame Winchell were both drowned; though, as the body of one was never found, suspician existed that he was taken by the Indians.

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____ - ____

Family 1 : Richard HIGGINS
  1.  Mary HIGGINS
  2.  Eliakim HIGGINS
  3.  William HIGGINS
  4.  Judah HIGGINS
  5.  Zerma HIGGINS
  6.  Thomas HIGGINS
  7.  Lydia HIGGINS


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