Eleazer ATWOOD

____ - ____

Family 1 : Joanna STROUT


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13 MAY 1908 - 22 APR 1980

Father: Edward J CAIRNS
Mother: Caroline Elsie SCHERER

Family 1 :
  1.  Mary CAIRNS
  2.  June CAIRNS

                           _William Henry CAIRNS ____
                          | (.... - 1914)            
 _Edward J CAIRNS ________|
| (1868 - 1933) m 1891    |
|                         |_Marion Francis PHILLIPS _
|--George CAIRNS 
|  (1908 - 1980)
|                          _Richard SCHERER _________
|                         |                          
|_Caroline Elsie SCHERER _|
  (1874 - 1962) m 1891    |


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Hannah CHASE


02 DEC 1804 - 11 JAN 1805

Father: Asa CHASE
Mother: Huldah TOWLE

                       _Elihu CHASE ________+
                      | (1743 - ....) m 1773
 _Asa CHASE __________|
| (1777 - 1865) m 1799|
|                     |_Sarah GOVE _________
|                        m 1773             
|--Hannah CHASE 
|  (1804 - 1805)
|                      _Jonathan TOWLE _____+
|                     | (1747 - 1822) m 1773
|_Huldah TOWLE _______|
  (1775 - 1858) m 1799|
                      |_Miriam MARSTON _____+
                        (1749 - 1835) m 1773


[300] Hannah was badly scalded by falling into a tub of hot water, from the effects of which she died Jan 11, 1805.

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28 DEC 1943 - ____

Family 1 : Barbara SMITH
  1.  Joe Ronald DOUGLAS
  2.  Kathleen Joan DOUGLAS


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Norris Julius EASTMAN

03 OCT 1958 - ____

Father: Chester Harry EASTMAN
Mother: Lilian Edel KLOTH

                          _Philip Chester EASTMAN _+
                         | (1902 - 1926) m 1921    
 _Chester Harry EASTMAN _|
| (1923 - ....) m 1945   |
|                        |_Fannie Leona BOWLEY ____+
|                          (1901 - 1978) m 1921    
|--Norris Julius EASTMAN 
|  (1958 - ....)
|                         _Julius KLOTH ___________
|                        |                         
|_Lilian Edel KLOTH _____|
  (1925 - ....) m 1945   |
                         |_Anne M. ? ______________


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William Towle SWEAT

01 SEP 1931 - ____

Father: John (Jack) SWEAT
Mother: Alice Marie STIPE

Family 1 : Jorie LOUISE
  1.  Lynda Kay SWEAT
  2.  William Mitchell SWEAT
  3.  Julie Marie SWEAT
  4.  Joseph ?? SWEAT

                       _Dr. John A SWEAT ___
                      |  m 1888             
 _John (Jack) SWEAT __|
| (1895 - 1955) m 1925|
|                     |_Mary Frances TOWLE _+
|                       (1866 - 1940) m 1888
|--William Towle SWEAT 
|  (1931 - ....)
|                      _John A. STIPE ______
|                     |                     
|_Alice Marie STIPE __|
  (1899 - ....) m 1925|
                      |_Lulu M. MACDONALD __


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Albert Learned TAYLOR

13 MAY 1826 - 22 JUL 1896

Father: Albert TAYLOR
Mother: Mary Learned TOWLE

 _Albert TAYLOR ______|
|  m 1853             |
|                     |_____________________
|--Albert Learned TAYLOR 
|  (1826 - 1896)
|                      _Josiah TOWLE Jr.____+
|                     | (1798 - 1882) m 1825
|_Mary Learned TOWLE _|
  (1828 - ....) m 1853|
                      |_Lucinda MORRISON ___+
                        (1806 - 1886) m 1825


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20 APR 1929 - ____

Family 1 : Laurent G. BERNIER
  1.  Roger BERNIER


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Donald Francis TOWLE Jr.

09 JUL 1959 - ____

Father: Donald Francis TOWLE
Mother: Aloma WATSON

Family 1 : Ruth CROWELL
  1.  Ryan Jeffery TOWLE
  2.  Nina Marie TOWLE
  3.  Liane Estelle TOWLE
  4.  Caitlin Dorothy TOWLE
  5.  Emily Jane TOWLE

                         _Howard Elmore TOWLE ___+
                        | (1897 - 1953)          
 _Donald Francis TOWLE _|
| (1938 - ....) m 1958  |
|                       |_Mabel Prudence WATSON _+
|                         (1898 - 1977)          
|--Donald Francis TOWLE Jr.
|  (1959 - ....)
|                        ________________________
|                       |                        
|_Aloma WATSON _________|
  (1941 - ....) m 1958  |


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____ - 13 JUN 1813

Father: Jonathan TOWLE
Mother: Miriam MARSTON

Family 1 : Polly MARSTON
  1. +Robey Marston TOWLE
  2. +Samuel TOWLE

                       _James TOWLE __________+
                      | (1698 - 1756) m 1725  
 _Jonathan TOWLE _____|
| (1747 - 1822) m 1773|
|                     |_Kezia PERKINS ________+
|                       (1709 - 1794) m 1725  
|--James TOWLE 
|  (.... - 1813)
|                      _Capt. Daniel MARSTON _
|                     |                       
|_Miriam MARSTON _____|
  (1749 - 1835) m 1773|
                      |_Sarah CLOUGH _________


[253] Jame was a short, of medium weight, of light skin and very light hair. He
was very strong and took pride in his feats of strength. One of these cost him
his life. He bought a sack of salt containing four bushels, and resolved to
carry it upstairs. He did so, but was immediately attacked with a spinal
difficulty which made him helpless. A large cradle was made for him in which
he was taken care of as a child. After 13 months of suffering he died June 13,
1813. This was a severe blow to his father who had selected James as the son
to take care of the home place, his parents and members of the household.
James married his mothers brothers daughter Polly Marston.

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____ - ____

Family 1 : Joseph TOWLE


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