Jonathan CHASE


15 MAR 1806 - ABT 1835

Father: Asa CHASE
Mother: Huldah TOWLE

Family 1 : Mary MESSER
  1.  Asa CHASE III
  2. +Martha Jane CHASE
  3.  Caroline CHASE

                       _Elihu CHASE ________+
                      | (1743 - ....) m 1773
 _Asa CHASE __________|
| (1777 - 1865) m 1799|
|                     |_Sarah GOVE _________
|                        m 1773             
|--Jonathan CHASE 
|  (1806 - 1835)
|                      _Jonathan TOWLE _____+
|                     | (1747 - 1822) m 1773
|_Huldah TOWLE _______|
  (1775 - 1858) m 1799|
                      |_Miriam MARSTON _____+
                        (1749 - 1835) m 1773


[301] Jonathan supposed to have been murdered.

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Joe Ronald DOUGLAS

31 DEC 1968 - ____

Father: Ronald DOUGLAS
Mother: Barbara SMITH

 _Ronald DOUGLAS _____|
| (1943 - ....) m 1968|
|                     |_______________________
|--Joe Ronald DOUGLAS 
|  (1968 - ....)
|                      _Bert Herbert SMITH II_+
|                     | (1924 - 1969) m 1945  
|_Barbara SMITH ______|
  (1947 - ....) m 1968|
                      |_Arlene May WILSON ____+
                        (1924 - 1996) m 1945  


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Brian Scott EASTMAN

20 MAR 1966 - ____

Father: Chester Harry EASTMAN
Mother: Lilian Edel KLOTH

                          _Philip Chester EASTMAN _+
                         | (1902 - 1926) m 1921    
 _Chester Harry EASTMAN _|
| (1923 - ....) m 1945   |
|                        |_Fannie Leona BOWLEY ____+
|                          (1901 - 1978) m 1921    
|--Brian Scott EASTMAN 
|  (1966 - ....)
|                         _Julius KLOTH ___________
|                        |                         
|_Lilian Edel KLOTH _____|
  (1925 - ....) m 1945   |
                         |_Anne M. ? ______________


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____ - ____

Family 1 : Samuel TOWLE


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06 AUG 1931 - ____

Family 1 : William Towle SWEAT
  1.  Lynda Kay SWEAT
  2.  William Mitchell SWEAT
  3.  Julie Marie SWEAT
  4.  Joseph ?? SWEAT


[218] I am not sure of the first letter in her first name.

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Edward Frank TAYLOR

____ - ____

Father: Albert TAYLOR
Mother: Mary Learned TOWLE

 _Albert TAYLOR ______|
|  m 1853             |
|                     |_____________________
|--Edward Frank TAYLOR 
|                      _Josiah TOWLE Jr.____+
|                     | (1798 - 1882) m 1825
|_Mary Learned TOWLE _|
  (1828 - ....) m 1853|
                      |_Lucinda MORRISON ___+
                        (1806 - 1886) m 1825


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Kimberly Jane TOWLE

07 DEC 1961 - ____

Father: Donald Francis TOWLE
Mother: Aloma WATSON

Family 1 : Greg NALL
  1.  Katherine Marie NALL
  2.  Aloma Grace NALL

                         _Howard Elmore TOWLE ___+
                        | (1897 - 1953)          
 _Donald Francis TOWLE _|
| (1938 - ....) m 1958  |
|                       |_Mabel Prudence WATSON _+
|                         (1898 - 1977)          
|--Kimberly Jane TOWLE 
|  (1961 - ....)
|                        ________________________
|                       |                        
|_Aloma WATSON _________|
  (1941 - ....) m 1958  |


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1784 - 07 JUN 1872

Father: Jonathan TOWLE
Mother: Miriam MARSTON

Family 1 : Arehibald DAVIS

                       _James TOWLE __________+
                      | (1698 - 1756) m 1725  
 _Jonathan TOWLE _____|
| (1747 - 1822) m 1773|
|                     |_Kezia PERKINS ________+
|                       (1709 - 1794) m 1725  
|--Sally TOWLE 
|  (1784 - 1872)
|                      _Capt. Daniel MARSTON _
|                     |                       
|_Miriam MARSTON _____|
  (1749 - 1835) m 1773|
                      |_Sarah CLOUGH _________


[254] There is a strange lack of information about Sally. Even the date of her
birth has not been found, but she is believed to have been about forty at the
time of her marriage. She is understood to have had from birth unfortunate
characteristics. Her father thought it necessary to make special provision for
her in his will. This she forfeited by her marriage, after which her
relations with her family ceased, and the younger generations hardly knew of
her existence. She had no children.

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02 APR 1949 - ____

Father: Freeman WHITNEY
Mother: Jean ?

Family 1 : David Arthur WEBSTER
  1.  Susannah Haley WEBSTER

 _Freeman WHITNEY ____|
|                     |
|                     |__
|--Anne WHITNEY 
|  (1949 - ....)
|                      __
|                     |  
|_Jean ? _____________|


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