Vanita Yvette BERNIER

____ - SEP 1990

Family 1 : Arthur Emanuel BERRY
  1. +Suzanne Yvette BERRY
  2.  Kenneth Frederick BERRY


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15 MAY 1788 - 12 SEP 1863

Father: Joseph BOOKER
Mother: Prudence MORGRIDGE

                       _James BOOKER _______+
                      | (1723 - ....) m 1747
 _Joseph BOOKER ______|
| (1755 - ....) m 1778|
|                     |_Mercy YOUNG ________+
|                        m 1747             
|--Betsy BOOKER 
|  (1788 - 1863)
|                      _William MORGRIDGE __
|                     |                     
|_Prudence MORGRIDGE _|
   m 1778             |
                      |_Unknown ____________


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25 MAY 1826 - 09 JUN 1861

Father: Jonathan CHASE
Mother: Mary MESSER

                       _Asa CHASE __________+
                      | (1777 - 1865) m 1799
 _Jonathan CHASE _____|
| (1806 - 1835)       |
|                     |_Huldah TOWLE _______+
|                       (1775 - 1858) m 1799
|  (1826 - 1861)
|                      _Isaac MESSER _______
|                     |                     
|_Mary MESSER ________|
  (1806 - 1836)       |
                      |_* __________________


[305] Asa III was crippled when a boy by the felling of a tree on him by his father.

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ABT 1334 - ____

Family 1 : Robert DE THROCKMORTON


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John Winslow FULLER

23 APR 1859 - ____

Father: James Lorenzo FULLER
Mother: Mary Ann POTTER

Family 1 : Ada Florence GETCHELL
  1.  Mildred WINSLOW

 _James Lorenzo FULLER _|
|                       |
|                       |__
|--John Winslow FULLER 
|  (1859 - ....)
|                        __
|                       |  
|_Mary Ann POTTER ______|


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17 JUL 1740 - ____

Father: Thomas HIGGINS
Mother: Abigail PAINE

                       _Benjamin HIGGINS ___
                      | (1681 - ....) m 1701
 _Thomas HIGGINS _____|
| (1704 - ....) m 1727|
|                     |_Sarah FREEMAN ______+
|                        m 1701             
|--Sarah HIGGINS 
|  (1740 - ....)
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Abigail PAINE ______|
   m 1727             |


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Elizabeth Sumner HOLDEN

____ - ____

Father: Charles A. HOLDEN
Mother: Hattie Libby TOWLE

 _Charles A. HOLDEN __|
|  m 1880             |
|                     |_____________________
|--Elizabeth Sumner HOLDEN 
|                      _David Ladd TOWLE ___+
|                     | (1817 - 1867) m 1847
|_Hattie Libby TOWLE _|
  (1859 - 0187) m 1880|
                      |_Susan S. WRIGHT ____
                         m 1847             


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____ - ____

Family 1 : Daniel Lewis TOWLE


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Ephraim SMALL

06 DEC 1785 - 10 DEC 1862

Father: Ephraim SMALL
Mother: Dorcas COOMBS

Family 1 : Anna HIGGINS
  1. +Hezekiah SMALL

                       _Taylor SMALL _______+
                      | (1716 - ....) m 1742
 _Ephraim SMALL ______|
| (1759 - ....)       |
|                     |_Mary RIDLEY ________+
|                       (1726 - 1796) m 1742
|--Ephraim SMALL 
|  (1785 - 1862)
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Dorcas COOMBS ______|


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Caroline TOWLE


1826 - ____

Father: Daniel TOWLE
Mother: Mary LADD

Family 1 : Charles W. CALKINS
  1.  Charles Wesley CALKINS
  2. +Frederick Walter CALKINS

                       _Jonathan TOWLE _____+
                      | (1747 - 1822) m 1773
 _Daniel TOWLE _______|
| (1779 - 1831) m 1807|
|                     |_Miriam MARSTON _____+
|                       (1749 - 1835) m 1773
|--Caroline TOWLE 
|  (1826 - ....)
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Mary LADD __________|
   m 1807             |


[334] Caroline was but five years of age when her father died, and her home life
was sadly broken by this event. For a few years she remained at home with her
mother, but when the latter went to Farmington, Caroline was distributed among
her relations, stopping first with her grandmother Ladd at Mount Vernon, later
with her uncle Samuel Sprangue in Avon, and for a longer period with one Levi
Johnson, who had married her mothers cousin, Mirian Marston, in Vienna, Maine.
When her mother returned to Avon. Caroline came back to the farm, and taught
school for a time. The life on the small country village was not to her
liking, however, and in 1842, with $20 that she had saved from her summer's
teaching, she started for Boston when only fifteen years of age, without
knowing a person, a street, or a hotel in that great city. On a boat from
Hallowell she became acquainted with a lady who knew some of her people, and
who was in business in Boston. She first secured employment with a Mrs. Frank
Loring as seamstress, but her health failing with close confinement, she
entered the family of Charles Jackson, taking care of the older children and
helping with her needle. With them she remained some years, traveling with the
family in the summer, and enjoying many privilages; but the restless spirit of
the Towles was not satisfied, and when a little over twenty-one she entered
the employ of Damuel S. Houghton, the founder of Houghton & Dutton, now one of
the largest department stores in the country (written in 1903). Her natural
ability early showed itself, and she was soon in practical command of the
forces, taking entire charge of the wholesale department, and carrying on the
business during the absence of Mr. Houghton. Her connection with the firm
continued until her marriage in 1852. She has always lived in Boston.

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