
19 MAR 1812 - 03 DEC 1882

Father: Asa CHASE
Mother: Huldah TOWLE

Family 1 : Mary Ann ABBOTT
  1.  Marshall Train CHASE
  2. +Willard Winter CHASE
  3. +James Alvin CHASE

                       _Elihu CHASE ________+
                      | (1743 - ....) m 1773
 _Asa CHASE __________|
| (1777 - 1865) m 1799|
|                     |_Sarah GOVE _________
|                        m 1773             
|--Asa CHASE Jr.
|  (1812 - 1882)
|                      _Jonathan TOWLE _____+
|                     | (1747 - 1822) m 1773
|_Huldah TOWLE _______|
  (1775 - 1858) m 1799|
                      |_Miriam MARSTON _____+
                        (1749 - 1835) m 1773


[302] Asa Jr. and Mary lived in Springfield, New Hampshire.

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Gregory Robert COOK

04 NOV 1976 - ____

Father: Robert Wayne COOK
Mother: Janine Carol EASTMAN

 _Robert Wayne COOK ____|
| (1943 - ....) m 1972  |
|                       |________________________
|--Gregory Robert COOK 
|  (1976 - ....)
|                        _Chester Harry EASTMAN _+
|                       | (1923 - ....) m 1945   
|_Janine Carol EASTMAN _|
  (1946 - ....) m 1972  |
                        |_Lilian Edel KLOTH _____+
                          (1925 - ....) m 1945   


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____ - ____

Father: Jonathan PERKINS
Mother: Sarah ?

Family 1 : Mary ?
  1. +Kezia PERKINS

                       _Abraham PERKINS ____
 _Jonathan PERKINS ___|
|                     |
|                     |_Mary ? _____________
|--Abraham PERKINS 
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Sarah ? ____________|


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William Mitchell SWEAT

02 APR 1963 - ____

Father: William Towle SWEAT
Mother: Jorie LOUISE

                        _John (Jack) SWEAT __+
                       | (1895 - 1955) m 1925
 _William Towle SWEAT _|
| (1931 - ....)        |
|                      |_Alice Marie STIPE __+
|                        (1899 - ....) m 1925
|--William Mitchell SWEAT 
|  (1963 - ....)
|                       _____________________
|                      |                     
|_Jorie LOUISE ________|
  (1931 - ....)        |


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15 SEP 1790 - 18 MAR 1872

Father: Jonathan TOWLE
Mother: Miriam MARSTON

                       _James TOWLE __________+
                      | (1698 - 1756) m 1725  
 _Jonathan TOWLE _____|
| (1747 - 1822) m 1773|
|                     |_Kezia PERKINS ________+
|                       (1709 - 1794) m 1725  
|--Nancy TOWLE 
|  (1790 - 1872)
|                      _Capt. Daniel MARSTON _
|                     |                       
|_Miriam MARSTON _____|
  (1749 - 1835) m 1773|
                      |_Sarah CLOUGH _________


[256] Nancy did not marry. She was a women of great strength of character and of
ardent piety, a member of the Free Baptist church, with gifts of exhortation
which she used in devotional meetings. She is still remembered with great
respect. She died March 18, 1872.

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____ - ____

Family 1 : Jean ?
  1. +Anne WHITNEY


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