
08 MAY 1726 - ____

Father: Benjamin CURTIS
Mother: Hannah PALMER

Family 1 : Mercy LOWE
  1. +Obadiah CURTIS

                       _Benjamin CURTIS ____+
                      | (1667 - ....)       
 _Benjamin CURTIS ____|
| (1692 - 1756)       |
|                     |_Mary SILVESTER _____+
|--Caleb CURTIS 
|  (1726 - ....)
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Hannah PALMER ______|
  (.... - 1756)       |


[410] The Ancestor Caleb Curtis of Harpswell Maine, came from Hingham, Mass., and lived in Harpswell Center, near the present home of Mr. Elijah Hodgkins. His wife, Mercy Lowe, was a sister of Mrs. Susan Gardiner of Bailey's Island, Me. She was the daughter of Ambrose Lowe.

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06 DEC 1959 - ____

Father: Frank Ernest DEBIASIO
Mother: Frances Shirley CARD

Family 1 : Richard Michael TOWLE Sr.
  1.  Richard Michael TOWLE Jr.

                          _Frank DEBIASIO _____+
                         | (1883 - 1971) m 1908
 _Frank Ernest DEBIASIO _|
| (1925 - ....)          |
|                        |_Ella Frances GIVEN _+
|                          (1891 - 1942) m 1908
|--Donna Jean DEBIASIO 
|  (1959 - ....)
|                         _Guy CARD ___________+
|                        |                     
|_Frances Shirley CARD __|
  (1926 - ....)          |
                         |_Grace COSKERY ______


[30] Worked in the local grocers in the Deli department in just about every place her husband has been stationed in the US Navy. While stationed in Maryland Donna worked a receptionist for a orthodontist.

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Cynthia Rae EASTMAN


06 MAY 1952 - ____

Father: Conrad Kimball EASTMAN
Mother: Sylvia Ann FODEN

Family 1 : Stephen Alexander ROLL
Family 2 : Mehdi Bahrami ZANDER Sr.
  1.  Frances Eastman ZANDER

                           _Harry Kimball EASTMAN _+
                          | (1904 - ....) m 1929   
 _Conrad Kimball EASTMAN _|
| (1931 - ....) m 1951    |
|                         |_Leura Elizabeth HILL __+
|                           (1910 - ....) m 1929   
|--Cynthia Rae EASTMAN 
|  (1952 - ....)
|                          _William Francis FODEN _
|                         |                        
|_Sylvia Ann FODEN _______|
  (1932 - ....) m 1951    |
                          |_Eleanor ISLEY _________


[208] Cynthia divorced Stephen on 04 July 1973. She later Remarried and divorced her second husband on 05 May 1975.

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Daniel Richmond GOSS

30 JUN 1850 - ____

Father: Daniel Towle GOSS
Mother: Abbie Weld GEORGE

Family 1 : Nettie SHOLTZ
  1. +Abbie Lillian GOSS
  2.  Fred Richmond GOSS

                       _Joseph GOSS ________
                      | (1758 - ....) m 1802
 _Daniel Towle GOSS __|
| (1811 - 1895) m 1839|
|                     |_Molly TOWLE ________+
|                       (.... - 1853) m 1802
|--Daniel Richmond GOSS 
|  (1850 - ....)
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Abbie Weld GEORGE __|
  (1819 - 1895) m 1839|


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____ - ____

Family 1 : Polly ?
  1. +Lucinda MORRISON


[239] Died January/February 1882/1883. I found this info in the package by Hester Eastman but I don't know if she was refering to William or his wife.

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1712 - ____

Family 1 : John TOWLE
  1. +Simeon TOWLE
  2.  John TOWLE


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Michael John RAPA Jr.

24 MAR 1984 - ____

Father: Michael John RAPA Sr.
Mother: Gail June DEBIASIO

 _Michael John RAPA Sr._|
| (1955 - ....) m 1974  |
|                       |________________________
|--Michael John RAPA Jr.
|  (1984 - ....)
|                        _Frank Ernest DEBIASIO _+
|                       | (1925 - ....)          
|_Gail June DEBIASIO ___|
  (1955 - ....) m 1974  |
                        |_Frances Shirley CARD __+
                          (1926 - ....)          


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Joshua SOULE


12 OCT 1681 - ____

Father: John SOULE
Mother: Esther (Nash) SAMPSON

Family 1 : Joanna STUDLEY
  1. +Ezekial SOULE

                          _George SOULE _______
                         | (1590 - 1679) m 1622
 _John SOULE ____________|
| (1623 - 1707) m 1678   |
|                        |_Mary BECKETT _______+
|                          (1590 - 1676) m 1622
|--Joshua SOULE 
|  (1681 - ....)
|                         _____________________
|                        |                     
|_Esther (Nash) SAMPSON _|
  (1638 - ....) m 1678   |


[372] Joshua Soule settled in his home town, where he was engaged in
merchandising, shipbuilding and navigation. He and some of the other Soule's built and sailed two staunch ships named "Seaflower" and the "Dolphin." These, with the other vessels owned by the family, were called the "Soule fleet." These Soule's, Joshua, Josiah and Joseph, were engaged in "Bank fishing" and in the "Whale-Hunting" of the North. They were also dealers in furs, making purchases from Indians in the backwoods of Maine. Records prove this. The Soule shipyard was on the west shore of the "Nook" and was one of the first, if not the first, in New England. It was near the homestead of William Soule. While running a common store, as nearly all early merchants did, he sold ardent spirit and kept it in stock for his ship-carpenters. Perhaps took a "sniff" himself to strengthen his loins and stimulate his buckram withal. As Parson Smith wrote, "All goodman, errors except." He died May 29, 1767, and was buried near the shore where the wild waves roar.

[371] [S14] Sole, Solly, Soule, Sowle, Soulis

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____ - ____

Father: Robert SPEAR
Mother: ? FINNEY

Family 1 : John GIVEN Sr.
  1. +John GIVEN Jr.

 _Robert SPEAR _______|
| (1682 - 1763)       |
|                     |__
|--Sarah SPEAR 
|                      __
|                     |  
|_? FINNEY ___________|
  (.... - 1781)       |


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20 JUN 1969 - ____

Father: Donald STEADMAN
Mother: Betty May DAVIDSON

 _Donald STEADMAN ____|
|  m 1960             |
|                     |______________________
|--Nancy Gail STEADMAN 
|  (1969 - ....)
|                      _Walter Howard JONES _+
|                     | (1902 - ....) m 1932 
|_Betty May DAVIDSON _|
  (1938 - ....) m 1960|
                      |_Ellen MAC DAVIDSON __
                         m 1932              


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27 SEP 1831 - 22 APR 1918

Father: Theodore TAYLOR
Mother: Mary TOWLE

Family 1 : Elizabeth P. SCAMMON

                       _Samuel Hepsibah TAYLOR _
 _Theodore TAYLOR ____|
| (1797 - 1879) m 1826|
|                     |_________________________
|--Samuel TAYLOR 
|  (1831 - 1918)
|                      _Josiah TOWLE ___________+
|                     | (1769 - 1838) m 1794    
|_Mary TOWLE _________|
  (1802 - 1890) m 1826|
                      |_Hannah AYER ____________+
                        (1774 - 1806) m 1794    


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