Daniel CHASE

11 NOV 1828 - 08 MAY 1830

Father: Elihu CHASE
Mother: Betsey RUSSELL

                       _Asa CHASE __________+
                      | (1777 - 1865) m 1799
 _Elihu CHASE ________|
| (1800 - 1886) m 1822|
|                     |_Huldah TOWLE _______+
|                       (1775 - 1858) m 1799
|--Daniel CHASE 
|  (1828 - 1830)
|                      _Aaron RUSSELL ______
|                     |                     
|_Betsey RUSSELL _____|
  (1796 - 1888) m 1822|
                      |_Phebe GILBERT ______


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Allison Kristine EASTMAN

02 MAR 1979 - ____

Father: Gary Philip EASTMAN
Mother: Susan Raney FOX

                        _Chester Harry EASTMAN _+
                       | (1923 - ....) m 1945   
 _Gary Philip EASTMAN _|
| (1949 - ....) m 1978 |
|                      |_Lilian Edel KLOTH _____+
|                        (1925 - ....) m 1945   
|--Allison Kristine EASTMAN 
|  (1979 - ....)
|                       ________________________
|                      |                        
|_Susan Raney FOX _____|
  (1949 - ....) m 1978 |


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ABT 1623 - 1707

Father: George SOULE
Mother: Mary BECKETT

Family 1 : Sarrah SIMMONS
  1. +Joshua SOULE
Family 2 : Esther (Nash) SAMPSON
  1. +Joshua SOULE

 _George SOULE _______|
| (1590 - 1679) m 1622|
|                     |_____________________
|--John SOULE 
|  (1623 - 1707)
|                      _Sylvester BECKETT __+
|                     | (1560 - ....)       
|_Mary BECKETT _______|
  (1590 - 1676) m 1622|
                      |_Elizabeth HILL _____+
                        (1560 - ....)       


[373] John Soule, eldest son of George(1) and Mary (Beckett) Soule, was born in Plymouth, Mass., about 1623. The author will follow the reasoning of the late Rev. Francis A. Soule, a man who had access to all of the known original records and had spent several years in a study of the subject. By some writers Zachariah was made the eldest son of the Pilgrim John the fifth child. If this is correct, then the first four children were all daughters and the last four sons, which is not at all probable. And if this theory is true the father must have been married as early as 1622-3. As George Soule stated in his will that John was his oldest son, we shall allow his name to stand in that position. If Zachariah had been the oldest and born 1627, then it must of been four or five years earlier to make John the fifth child. We admit that all of these dates were conjectural and any conclusion can only be but approximate.
The statement of George Soule in his will made Aug, 11, 1677, and found in Duxbury Jan 23, 1679, probably soon after his death, reads as follows: "My eldest son who ha

+ I have more to put in between these paragraphs but did not have time to copy it all down.

John Soule was twice married but did not marry Esther Delano as has been repeatedly published, on the authority that she was the only women in the Colony at the time who could have been his wife. The first wife of John Soule was Rebecca Simmons, daughter of Moses and Sarah Simmons. She died and he married second, in 1678 Esther Nash, daughter of Lieut. Samuel Nash, born March 6, 1638, the widow of Samuel ????.
+ Did not finish writing before the library closed.

John Soule died ----, 1707 age 75 years. She died Sept 12, 1733, age 95
years. There gravestones are standing in Old Duxbury Cemetery, leaning and weather beaten.

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William Anderson TAYLOR

____ - ____

Father: Albert TAYLOR
Mother: Mary Learned TOWLE

 _Albert TAYLOR ______|
|  m 1853             |
|                     |_____________________
|--William Anderson TAYLOR 
|                      _Josiah TOWLE Jr.____+
|                     | (1798 - 1882) m 1825
|_Mary Learned TOWLE _|
  (1828 - ....) m 1853|
                      |_Lucinda MORRISON ___+
                        (1806 - 1886) m 1825


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