____ - ____

Father: Frederick Walter CALKINS
Mother: Alice I. BURPEE

                             _Charles W. CALKINS _
                            |  m 1853             
 _Frederick Walter CALKINS _|
| (1856 - ....) m 1885      |
|                           |_Caroline TOWLE _____+
|                             (1826 - ....) m 1853
|--Harold CALKINS 
|                            _____________________
|                           |                     
|_Alice I. BURPEE __________|
   m 1885                   |


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____ - ____

Family 1 : Robert FLANDERS
  1. +Steve FLANDERS


[421] Widow Jane and children Steven, William and Jane emigrated to the New World shortly after Robert's death.

[420] [S19] http://www.mv.com:80/users/flanders/flanders.html

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Richard CHASE

____ - ____

Father: Thomas CHASE
Mother: *

Family 1 : Joan BISHOP
  1. +Aquila CHASE

 _Thomas CHASE _______|
|                     |
|                     |__
|--Richard CHASE 
|                      __
|                     |  
|_* __________________|


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Francis SMALL


ABT 1654 - 1709-10

Father: Francis SMALL
Mother: Elizabeth LEIGHTON

Family 1 : Elizabeth HICKS
  1. +Samuel SMALL

                       _Edward SMALL _______
 _Francis SMALL ______|
|                     |
|                     |_Elizabeth LARABEE __
|--Francis SMALL 
|  (1654 - ....)
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Elizabeth LEIGHTON _|
  (1634 - ....)       |


[385] Francis died at the age of 56 years.

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____ - ____

Father: John SOULE
Mother: Patience WORMALL

Family 1 : Joel CARD
  1. +Major William CARD

                       _Ezekial SOULE ______+
                      | (1711 - 1799) m 1732
 _John SOULE _________|
| (1735 - 1794) m 1759|
|                     |_Hannah DELANO ______+
|                       (1711 - 1788) m 1732
|--Hulda SOULE 
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Patience WORMALL ___|
  (1737 - 1777) m 1759|


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Hannah Colier TOWLE

1842 - ____

Father: Johnathan Perkins TOWLE
Mother: Eliza HEATH

Family 1 : Joshua C. VINING
  1.  Blanche Latitia VINING
  2.  Myrtle Reliance VINING

                            _Jonathan TOWLE Jr._____+
                           | (1777 - 1860) m 1806   
 _Johnathan Perkins TOWLE _|
| (1811 - 1881) m 1836     |
|                          |_Polly (Darling) SOULE _
|                             m 1806                
|--Hannah Colier TOWLE 
|  (1842 - ....)
|                           ________________________
|                          |                        
|_Eliza HEATH _____________|
   m 1836                  |


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Edward Lane WHITE

25 JUN 1857 - ____

Father: William Henry WHITE
Mother: Maria Theresa TOWLE

 _William Henry WHITE _|
| (.... - 1903)        |
|                      |_____________________
|--Edward Lane WHITE 
|  (1857 - ....)
|                       _Jonathan TOWLE _____+
|                      | (1800 - 1875) m 1827
|_Maria Theresa TOWLE _|
  (1833 - 1883)        |
                       |_Sarah LANE _________+
                         (1799 - 1882) m 1827


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